If you believe in equal dignity and rights, you wouldn’t use your privilege to hurt someone.
If you believe that all human are entitled to their rights and freedom, you wouldn’t deny them because of their gender, race, colour, language, religion, and political opinion.
If you believe that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security, you wouldn’t send them death threats when you disagree on what they have to say.
If you believe that everyone shouldn’t not be treated as slave, you will not allow human trafficking to happen, and say it’s their fault when they are deceived.
If you believe that no one is subjected to torture and cruel punishment, you will not support death penalty and all the punishment carried out to “extract information”.
If you believe that everyone has the right to be protected by law, you will seek justice and improve the judiciary system, not ruin it.
If you believe that a person cannot be arrested without reason, you will seek reasoning and not accuse someone for what you not see they do.
If you believe that someone is innocent until proven guilty, you will not deny them the rights to speak for themselves, and the proof that they had provided to defend themselves.
If you believe that everyone has the freedom to move everywhere, you will allow people without shelter and basic needs to live together with you.
If you believe that everyone has the right to nationality, you will not deny the rights of the people who does not have access to registrar office, instead you will help them to get their identity registered with the state.
If you believe that everyone has the right to marry, then everyone can marry who they wants. Love wins, after all.
If you believe that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; which includes freedom to change his religion or belief, then you would allow everyone to practice the religion that they want, without policing their practices and respect each other’s belief.
If you believe that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, you would allow everyone to give their say and give chance to them to prove themselves, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone.
If you believe that everyone has the right to peaceful assembly, you would allow a person to gather crowds with the same interest to express their thoughts.
If you believe that everyone has the right to take part in the government, you would allow youth to vote because they are the silent majority that has been and will be contributing to the development of the country.
If you believe that everyone has the right to work, you will not deny a person’s right to work when she is pregnant or he is disabled, because everyone has their own function and ability.
If you believe that everyone has the right to rest, you will not deny your workers and co-workers of their holiday or breaks because you can’t handle things alone.
If you believe that everyone has the right to standard living, you will not blame people who live in poverty and lift them up.
If you believe that everyone has the right to education, you will not deny the children who live in rural area of what they deserve to know.
Just, if you believe that everyone has rights and they should live, maybe you’ll be more compassionate and think thoroughly before you said something that might hurt other people.