When one person from a religion/race is problematic, and we call them out; we tend to associate them with their religion/race. Most people see this as generalization. While not all of the person's community is problematic as he/she is, it's erasure of the real issue. # notallMalay #notallMuslim and not all whatsoever, are pretty much distracting from the real issue; discrimination, racism, privilege, etc. It's not the matter of defending your religion/race, it's the matter of deciding the truth and justice for the person who seek for it. Stop being petty when people talk abt your religion/race because you missed the whole point completely. Probably blinded by your privilege. Try to look into smaller scope, try to walk in their shoes to understand the needs of the community rather than being offended all the time. Criticizing your religion/race doesn't mean you hate them, it's something better that you want to look up to, that you want to change...