Oppression is silenced once you gave some comfort to the oppressed. This is how the country runs, not only because it's patriarchal. You were given RM400 aid per year, and you are satisfied. While you know it's still not enough, but still vote for the party. The oppressed still gets less fortunate, still have to work their ass off for two square meals, sometimes one. Oppression still happens. But the nature of Asian values, in specific is conformist. They are easily satisfied by some incentives. While they don't really last. Being silenced for your rights is the best example. Check your human rights, do you get them all? If not, you can go check the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1945 and get yourself verified because that's what you need to get. When you say there's no oppression in the world I expect there is no more poverty. But then, those TV shows Bersamamu, shows poor people? Oppression does not end once you give incentives and money for the ...